Moving on to a new chapter in life

Marriage is not easy. Yes, I love my husband but this is not just about loving him. It is about living with him and be with him - as one. We have to decide as one, work as one, move as one. That is quite difficult for me as I have been living single and independently for a long time - and in a foreign country. So all of my decisions are my own.

Nevertheless, it is also quite the same with my hubby. Though he is living with his family at home country, he is also leading and deciding on his own as the eldest son. That is also quite a responsibility for him. So I can that he is also adjusting himself.

Since we are in the same page, I guess we can really work it out. Despite being miles away from each other, we are still bonded by our love and trust.

A new chapter is coming in our life - for both of us. And I trust that we can manage it well. Together we can do anything... :)


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