
Showing posts from March, 2011

Kainos 1

In Singapore, I am one of the children of God under the Hope Church Singapore - Filipino Community where our pastor is none other than Pastor Christie Ong and within the church, it is divided from people groups, districts up to a small unit called lifegroup ( previously known as caregroup). I belong to Kainos 1 lifegroup. Kainos is Greek word which means new. It means recently made, fresh, recent, unused, unworn. This word kainos has been used several times in the Bible. Kainos is under Kainos-Beloved unit headed by our beloved Ate Encar Edang. Focusing on Kainos, it has 2 groups namely Kainos 1 and Kainos 2. And as I have said, I belong to Kainos 1. Kainos 1 is led by Tee Jay Labang, supported by Dennis Taculod and Francheska Gabilo (actually, her real name is Francis). When this group was new, it has only around 4 members but now, with the amazing works and power from God, our number is gradually increasing! Yes, we are now more than 20 members and constantly increasing! I praise

Esther 9

In this passage, it shows how we should deal with difficulties, trials and suffering we encounter in life. The evil forces always lead us to these unwanted aspects into our life and make us under their control. They always contradict on what Jesus wants our reaction should be – and that is to stay under His protection. Think of a situation like this, you see a dangerous creature running towards you ready to stab you with his ugly and dirty weapon. What should be your action? Of course, for most of us, we will run and try to avoid that dangerous creature. But what Jesus Christ wants us to do is to be still on his protective shield and believe on His finished work. Believe that Jesus is stronger and more powerful than the approaching dangerous creature. With that awareness, we can overcome that dangerous creature and claim victory. In Christ, we remain victorious in every aspect of life. Also, He can make those difficult trials into pleasing blessing that we will rejoice to have. Just

Level Up Class 1

What’s update about me? Well, I am now one of the scholars for Level Up Class 1 in our church. Level Up Class 1 is to teach those aspiring leader-Christians who have seen the leadership skills by their respective cell group leaders to create a new caregoup and then eventually to create a new church. I am with my co-members Rhea, Lhen, Kiko, Ralph and Carol from our Kainos 1 group and there we met aspiring leaders from different groups. Together, we learn the essence and the true purpose of church, its mission and vision and some various activities. Also, we are taught on how to handle care group from inviting, welcoming people, praise and worshipping and sharing. There are also some evaluations where we discuss the problems that are encountered in today’s caregroup and the solutions for it. Last night, we did a life group ( care group in higher level ) exploration and there we witnessed how they organize the care group and carry the flow to run through as planned. We also partici

First time to ride a bike

This may be too late to post but I would like to share my happy moments that time. It was my first time to ride a bike and I honestly say that at this age of mine, I don’t know how drive it. I was never taught so even when I was a kid. So until now, I have this some kind of fear whenever I tried to ride a bike. My boyfriend, Ryan, is eager to teach me so we went to East Coast Park ( we are staying in Singapore ), rent a bike there. At first, I was really nervous and I actually fall many times before I got the balance that is needed (evidences found on my legs, hehe). I was wearing slippers that time so I find it hard to paddle. He was so patient that even if I already yelled that I want to give up, he still continues to encourage me and keep on saying that ‘relax’ keyword. The weather was also good. It was cloudy and windy. No sun rays touch my skin and no rain at all, not even droplets! This makes me realize that even Mother Nature is encouraging me to go on. Now, how was riding

Supernatural Increase

My boyfriend and I were assigned to collect the supernatural increase testimonies from our care group friends and we are surprised on the 'increase' they had in life in Christ Jesus. Some has already given to them by Him, some are upcoming while others are not in view/sight that it will happen but still believe that it will happen in Jesus. Through this, I am encouraged to stay on His path and enjoy the benefits we are having right now. Though there are some who are still hesistant and doubtful to fully entrust their life to God, I pray in Jesus' name that they will find in their hearts the mighty power that God has and what He can give to us by His love and grace. Experience God's love and power and you will surely have complete joy. :)